Two years of Labor – are you better off?

Labor’s Budget does nothing to help people across Mitchell get ahead and to restore their standard of living. Australians know that despite the Treasurer’s spin, prices have increased by nearly 10% with increases for many essential items well beyond that:

  • housing is up 12%,
  • rents are up 12%,
  • insurance up 26%,
  • electricity is up 18%, and
  • gas is up 25%.

While Australians are struggling to pay mortgages and rents, Labor is making the housing crisis worse by bringing in a record 1.67 million migrants over five years.

The Coalition will deliver a back-to-basics economic plan that includes reining in inflationary spending, winding back regulatory roadblocks, lower taxes and more affordable and reliable energy. 

Australians simply can’t afford another three years of Labor. Click here to read Peter Dutton’s Budget-In-Reply speech.