The Issues (Please number the four issues that concern you most.) Lower, simpler and fairer taxes A stronger economy Reducing inflation and cost of living pressures Ensuring affordable and reliable energy Strengthening national security Affordable and accessible healthcare and health services Investing in better education, skills, and training outcomes Building better and safer local roads Tackling climate change Supporting small businesses Creating Local Jobs Protecting retirement savings from unfair taxes More affordable and better access to housing In Parliament (If you could raise one issue in the Federal Parliament, what would it be?) Message: Our Community (If you could fix one problem in our local area, what would it be?) Message: About Politics (Optional) (Please select one of the following options) Supporting - None -LiberalLaborGreensOne NationIndependent/OtherLiberalLaborGreensOne NationIndependent/OtherI DON'T support any political party Your Details (Please complete the following details so that I can stay in touch and keep you informed.) Name Address Home Phone Mobile Phone Email How do you prefer to be contacted? Mail SMS Email Your Work (Please select the option that reflects your current situation) Employment: Full-time Part-time Self-employed At home parent Unemployed Student Age pensioner Disability pensioner Self-funded retiree Occupation: Leave this field blank