Surface Fleet Review

After more than 300 days of waiting, the Opposition welcomes the Government’s response to the long-awaited Surface Fleet Review, the ambition to grow the Royal Australian Navy and the investment into Western Australia’s industrial base.

There are, however, serious flaws in Labor’s superficial plan. The Opposition is yet to be briefed on this, despite formal requests.

The Albanese Government talks up larger ships and a larger fleet but there is no larger strategy and the money in the forward estimates doesn't cover the cuts that Labor has already made to Defence.

Under Labor’s plan, we won’t see a ship in the water until 2031. 

HMAS Anzac is being permanently retired with no replacement until next decade.

Labor’s surface fleet review is a repeat of Labor history:

  • No new money; 
  • Cut to capability; and
  • Deferral of tough decisions.

For further details visit Surface Fleet Review.